About the Exhibition
Apr 7 – Aug 14, 2005Location
Remis Sculpture Court
Karl Stirner selects steel plate from the scrap yards of eastern Pennsylvania
to create his “essentialist” sculpture. His early influence came from his
childhood obsession with the collection and study of natural objects. Later,
he worked as a blacksmith and metal-worker, producing ecclesiastic and
hand-forged products. Stirner’s sculpture has evolved also in response to
many non-sculptural and non-western sources. For over 30 years he has
collected 20thcentury West African, Pre-Columbian, and Polynesian
sculpture and objects. By working and reworking appropriated elements,
Stirner coaxes an austere beauty from obdurate metal and forges a delicate
balance of positive and negative volumes. His work thoroughly transforms
ponderous material into substantial, at times luminous, burnished forms
that allude to the anthropomorphized body and body parts and to the
functionality of oversized furniture or containers. More recently, he has
begun to incorporate photographic images into his constructions, as in
Barbara’s Room. This selection of recent sculpture is Stirner’s first solo
museum presentation in New England