About the Exhibition
Jan 23 – Apr 7, 2019Location
Suara Welitoff’s appropriations of the past are a strategy for summoning an awareness of time as we are living it now. The exhibition surveys 12 videos spanning 2013 to 2018 (including the premiere of three works) and chronicles Welitoff’s practice of reworking footage from historic films, television, and the internet. Welitoff investigates how disrupting traditional structures of filmic time and narrative can alter our expectations of moving images. Repetition is key to our experience of Welitoff’s image and language fragments. Through her use of continuous loop and slowed motion, she achieves a temporality in which duration is the dominant experience rather than time moving forward, effectively resulting in an endless present. In contrast to technical methods of control and standards of digital perfection, Welitoff embraces the formal potential of accidents and inaccuracies, including pixilation and audio-visual glitches, viewing them as chances to improvise. At a time when the acts of selecting, modifying, and re-circulating are increasingly central to creation and communication, Welitoff’s works invite us to consider how our sensory relations to the mediated world are forever under revision.