About the Exhibition
Jan 20 – Apr 20, 2018Location
Artist Response is an ongoing initiative that highlights how artists have used creative strategies to respond to historical and contemporary social crises through direct action, solidarity efforts, and critical reflection. As the ground rapidly shifts below our feet, these artists and projects share alternative narratives of how artists contribute to and are embedded within social movement culture. This first iteration includes a wall installation from Documents of Resistance, a project by Antonio Serna, connecting the present to a history of art and activism by artists of color, and a guest-curated project by critic James McAnally on the new formations of artist-organizing in St Louis in both arts spaces and on the streets. The SMFA community is welcome to use the Artist Response space for meetings, self-organized programs and resource-sharing. Artist Response continues on Tufts’ Medford campus with a Documents of Resistance installation and a mixtape of creative activist tactics by Houston artist Carrie Schneider at Tufts University Art Galleries Media Wall. James McAnally will be giving a talk as part of the Spring 2018 Visiting Artist Program on January 30, 2018 at 6 PM, Anderson Auditorium, SMFA.